This is a generic asio driver for cubase 5.1. The asio library is built around the idea of creating a low latency audio system for use with software such as Cubase and Ableton Live. It makes it easier to keep your audio nice and clean at high frequencies without introducing too much latency, since the jittery pauses that are common in low-level systems will not occur. You can download this software from html What's important to note that this asio driver is specifically made for cubase and other asio compatible programs. It has been tested on cubase 5.0 and 5.1, ableton live 7, garage band, protools 8. This will not work with any other audio editing programs such as open source Audacity or audacity 2.0 betaThe first moment you start up your computer you will need to do some brief set up for this low latency driver. 1. This is the only driver that supports cubase 5.1 so you will need to install your audio interface in the mixer device in the control panel in order for it to show up correctly in cubase 2. After you have installed your audio interface in the mixer device in the control panel, click on start > computer > right click on your disk drive that contains your audio software > properties > general tab > select “device” and choose "generic low latency asio driver" from the drop down menu. If it is not there hit apply and close out of all open windows and restart your computer (do not restart cubase yet). 3. Once you have restarted your computer it should say generic low latency asio driver in the device manager section in the lower left side of the control panel. 4. Go back to cubase and choose internal audio output from the playback tab > choose generic low latency asio driver from list of devices > click on "install" button to install it. 5. After it has been installed you will need to restart your computer again. 6. Once you have done this click on the other drop down from from playback > select generic low latency asio driver > install to master track and start a new project. This drive will not work in a track op-amp plug-in it only works in the master channel for cubase. You can still use it in other tracks though if that is what you need, since I have seen it work in several instances with other programs such as audacity 2. 8eeb4e9f32 30
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