References from a redwood forest characterized by tall, towering trees, moss covered grounds, roots, lush foliage and ferns. Shots include views into the forest, on natural pathways, details of fallen trunks and branches. Captured during summer season in afternoon lighting.
21 components can hold any 2D functions of the form F(x,y). They are often used to mix the output of two separate components (or branches) or to provide a surface (terrain), a texture (patterns) or an alpha channel value (mask). Several components are creating DF 2D profiles and patterns for Building 3D Objects : DFRM guide.Most of the 21 components are 2D scalar functions but some can accommodate vector inputs like S:P Maths #. In general we use X and Y capital case to refer to vector values and x y lower case to refer to scalar values. An essential in-depth discussion of ArtMatic structures Trees and components is found in ArtMatic Designer References and in Building trees. Frequency OptionsMost noises and fractal surfaces generator have a Frequency options pop up that sets how the frequency parameter is interpreted. In general these functions are "adaptive" in term of frequency content as discussed in "Adaptive, Band-Limited Noise Functions" use direct frequency : Frequency parameter used directly use Voyager km: Frequency is scaled so that 1 corresponds to 1 km in ArtMatic Voyager space.
use 1/frequency : Frequency inverse (1/freq) is taken as the effective frequency.
Voyager DF mode : Amplitude is linked with frequency : In this mode amplitude is scaled by 1/freq. Starting ArtMatic 8.0 engine the amplitude is set internally so that realistic results are obtained with an amplitude close to 1. "realistic results" basically means that if the mountain is 10 km wide its height will go up to 2000 meters but not much more. An amplitude of 1 is a correct DF ratio for use in DF modeling in most cases.
Adaptive, Band-Limited Noise Functions Fractal based noises functions have adaptive resolution and are band-limited to reduce high-frequency noise. They are recommended for use with ArtMatic Voyager. The number of iterations and resolution are determined by the zoom level and the fractal iterations preference. By being adaptive, the functions can deliver maximum detail at any zoom level but won't generate higher frequencies when the frequencies gets above pixel size to minimize aliasing. NOTE: With very high zoom levels, you may need to increase the Maximum Iterations for Fractals setting in the Preferences dialog.
50 blossom tree branch overlays rar
discussion : Interpolate mixes two incoming components/branches by interpolating between the incoming values. It is a simple way to crossfade between two branches of a tree since the mix is handled with a single parameter rather than the 3 parameters required for using Ax + By + C. The "Blend" parameter determines the relative mix of the two incoming branches. When set to 0, the output is the left-hand input. When the parameter is set to its maximum value (1), the output is the same as the right-hand input. When the parameter is set to in-between values, the parameter represents the relative contribution of the two inputs.
discussion : Lightning is a surface function that creates branching patterns of lines that can evoke lightning or simple tree. For a realistic lightning effect the surface shall be connected to a fractal displacement noise. 'Offset' controls the branch offset and 'Rotation' the branch angle from the father branch. The combination of 'Rotation' and 'Offset' parameters can create various overall shapes. Usually they will be set at opposite signs. Lightning can be used in ArtMatic Voyager as a sprite or as geographic element to provide the structure of a river canyon system with branching rivers for example. 2ff7e9595c